Finca Buena Vista


Finca Buena Vista


Finca Buena Vista

In 1990, Cauca smallholder Libardo Rivera bought a 5-hectare piece of land called ‘El Carriza Farm’ (Colombia). Libardo renamed it to Finca Buena Vista and bought 500 plants of the Caturra variety. A large investment for a Cauca smallholder. Luckily, he got support from the Cooperativa de Caficultores del Cauca.

With the help of the Coop, Libardo learned a lot about coffee cultivation best practices. And after learning more about Castillo, he replaced the Caturra for plants from the Castillo (Tambo) and Cenicafe varieties – more rust-resistant varieties. Libardo noticed that the Castillo variety also yielded more cherries.

“My family is very important to me.” Librardo explains, “They are one of the reasons that I continue to work in coffee. My dear wife Luz Hermila Almendra and my children; Sandra Milena Rivera, Wilfredo Rivera, John Edinson Rivera, and Yury Paola Rivera.”

“My son, Wilfredo Rivera, is the man that currently coordinates all farm activities.” Librardo continues, “His work has paid off already. As a family, we have experienced the fruits of his labor. Through the production of coffee at the Finca Buena Vista, we can improve our well-being as a family. Coffee motivates us to move forward.”



Finca Buena Vista
1850 - 1850 masl.
Wilfredo Rivera



Common cupping notes