Sidamo zone map

The Sidamo Zone Map

Sidamo zone is the most spread out coffee region of Ethiopia. It encompasses the Basketo, Dawro, Gamo Gofa, Kembata & Timbare, Konta, Segen Peoples, Sidama, South Omo, West Arsi, and Wolayita zones – not to mention the numerous woreda’s found in these. It is no wonder that the Sidamo profile exhibits a lot of diversity.

Discover Sidamo

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange categorized Sidamo into five areas,
A, B, C, D, and E, to create a sense of structure. But with this constructed Sidamo map, we made no distinction and bundled these together, so you grasp the full size of the famed coffee area.

The map displays all the coffee growing woreda’s, where the rivers and roads run through, and the locations of our partners who deliver the most distinguished Sidamo coffees.

Download the Sidamo zone map