Natural Limu

The natural Limu
flavor profile

The natural Limu flavor profile is aligned with its washed counterpart. And still, there are several cup attributes that make natural Limu’s a unique Ethiopian coffee. After three seasons of cupping naturals from Limu, here is what we found in the cup.


Chocolate is a recurring theme in Limu’s and is often identified in naturals as well. Aside from that core, we once again found berry-like notes and a tendency to nutty undertones. Specifics are mostly citrics such as orange and lemon-like. However we did note that caramelized flavors tend to highlight the sweetness of these coffees, and sometimes they show more outspoken and identifiable flavors of strawberry.


The acidity is diverse. Most cups we tasted had high acidity, but we also found coffees with medium and low acidity. The character of the acidity is bright and citric-like.


Mouthfeel is thin to medium, although mostly a solid “medium”. Often characterized as smooth when on the heavier side, the body can show less structured textures and slide with tea-like smoothness on the tongue.

Explore the profile, download the flavor poster